Mar 30, 2008

Fly Away

Miss Mabil Pereira is one of our numerous English teacher in Sri Garden and she has left us for her family. Although her lesson is pretty much philosophical in nature, she is quite a nice person after all.

Before she could bid us farewell, we celebrated the day with her. Needless to say, we sang Auld Lang Syne together. As it was an impromptu decision, we just sang by reading the lyrics. Confetti on that day were in the forms of shredded paper and we had lots of fun throwing it around to Miss Mabil.

Later, we presented her with a cake and we had her cut the cake.

And then, the friendlier ones among us took some photo with her as a memory.

Boy, what a fun day it was!!!!!

Written by,
Jowena Kok

1 comment:

Hirako said...

lol suddenly the blog very inactive adi.

or i think it's inactive