Apr 26, 2008

The eldest, getting older

This happened.. Like.. Once upon a time…. On the 8th of January.......

Yee Jean came earliest as usual for weekdays. The day started out normally, wanting to make sure that she doesn't notice anything is amiss. Edward, the head prefect, even played his role well. Yee Jean is given tasks to guard several places and wonderfully, she got distracted and has no idea what was going to happen.


Happpppp-py birthday to you~

Happp-py birthday to you~

Happy birthday to YAP YEE JEAN~~~

Happppppppppppppppp-pyyyyy birthday to youuuu~~~~~~~~~~

That is not where the funs end. Before school dismiss, we threw flour and egg on Yee Jean. We bull eye on her head. Her hair was all hit. *thumbs up!!!!*

Well, even though we had fun there, we had to clear up our own mess..

That’s the end of the day. >;)

1 comment:

Hirako said...

lol I wanna make a blogpost at my blog there about this when the exam's over. There's something I noticed here that made me laugh >.>